diet concept; woman eating vegetable salad

Stop Fear from Stealing Your Joy: A Guide to Keeping Up with Your Diet

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  • Meal prepping and incorporating enjoyable foods can make dieting less daunting and more successful.
  • Ensuring tasty and nutritious diet meals enhances adherence and satisfaction with the diet plan.
  • Smart planning of cheat days, including setting limits, helps control your diet and reduces guilt.
  • Mindful eating and getting support from friends, family, or support groups can significantly aid diet adherence.
  • Tracking progress, not obsessively but consistently, helps motivate and encourages one to stick to the diet.

Starting a diet can be an exciting journey; however, trying to stick to one can become a nightmare for most people. In fact, according to research, more than 90% of diets fail. It’s not because the diets aren’t effective, but because most people can’t stick to them. People often feel deprived and frustrated and end up craving everything they can’t have, causing them to give up on the diet altogether. To help you, here are simple ways to help you not dread a diet you just started.

Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time:

Meal prepping is essential to successful dieting. When you have meals ready to eat, you do not need to worry about what to cook or eat when you’re stressed and hungry. You can plan for each day or schedule the week depending on your preferences. Plan your snacks as well; going too long without food can lead to overeating, so be sure to have healthy snacks within reach.

When planning your meals, be sure to include foods you enjoy. Make the recipes healthier versions of your favorite dishes, or choose healthy meals that are easy to make. This will help you stay on track and motivated to stick with your diet.

Make It Tasty and Satisfying:


When you’re eating a diet full of bland and unappetizing food, it can be difficult to stick to it. You should choose delicious and nutritious recipes so you don’t feel like you’re missing out on the tasty foods you love. Experiment with various herbs, spices, and seasonings to add flavor to your meals. Eating healthy doesn’t mean eating something tasteless; it just means making smarter choices.

Be Wise With Cheat Days:

Cheat days are a great way to reward yourself and keep you motivated. However, they can also be detrimental if not done right. If you make it an all-out cheat day where you eat anything in sight, the chances of going off your diet increase. Instead, be strategic:

Eat in places with healthy options and smaller portions:

You want to enjoy yourself, not feel like you need to avoid all the delicious food. Eating out doesn’t mean you have to eat unhealthy; plenty of places have healthier options and smaller portions that will satisfy your cravings without going overboard. For example, instead of going to a barbeque restaurant, you can visit a local sandwich shop where you can mostly eat sandwiches with healthier add-ons like fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and the like. This will help you avoid eating too much in one go.

Have a plan:

Set limits for yourself before you start your cheat day; this will help you stay in control and keep from going overboard. For example, if the goal is to eat only one unhealthy meal a day, stick with it. This way, you don’t have to worry about slipping up and eating more than necessary on your cheat day.

Don’t let the guilt take over:

It’s important to remember that cheating is part of the diet, and it shouldn’t be looked at as a bad thing. Don’t let guilt take over, or you’ll feel worse; just enjoy your cheat day in moderation, and don’t beat yourself up for it.

Start Eating Mindfully:

man opening fridge to eat

Mindful eating is a great way to stay on track with your diet. It involves being aware of your food, focusing on how it tastes and smells while paying attention to hunger cues. This can help you become more mindful of what you consume and how it affects your health. You should also focus on savoring each bite and chewing your food slowly; this can help you feel satisfied with less food.

Get Support:

Sticking to a diet is easier when you’re not alone. You should seek support from friends and family who won’t sabotage your efforts. Find a workout partner who shares similar goals and interests. Join a support group online or in person. Being part of a community of people who share your goals will keep you motivated and accountable.

Keep Track of Your Progress:

Keeping track of your progress helps motivate and inspire you to stick to your diet. Record your weight, body measurements, and pictures to see how far you’ve come. The results may not come instantly, but you’ll see the results if you keep making consistent progress. Make sure not to obsess over the numbers, as this could lead to negative self-talk and willpower depletion.

Starting a diet doesn’t have to be intimidating; it can be exciting and rewarding. The key to sticking to a diet is to plan, be creative, seek support, set goals, and track your progress. Try not to dread your diet; embrace it as a lifestyle change towards a healthier and happier you. Remember, every small change you make will significantly improve your overall health and well-being.

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